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  • Chris Allan is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Psychology Clinic at the University of Wollongong. He has a strong interest in both cognitive and psychodynamic therapies and an ongoing fascination in the interaction of technology and psychology. His interests are varied and include martial arts, playing guitar, cooking, chess, clothes, poetry and computer gaming. He is married with two children two dogs and a budgie.

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I despair about this type of approach also and wrote a bit of a rant on my own blog here: http://www.inter-actions.biz/blog/2006/09/pimp_by_blog.html. I do have a blogroll that I update and change depending on what or whom I'm reading. But the idea of soliciting for contacts convinces me that the people who do solicit don't actually understand how blogging works. I think blogrolls are precious things - they are a reflection of the writer and our time and connection is not something that's there for purchase. But then again, I guess pimping, alonside with it's accompanying oldest profession is still alive and well!

Anthony R. Pisani

Great post, as always. As an academic just beginning to experiment with blogging in this field, I agree completely with your "creeping comercialism" observation. If our sites begin to have the smell of serving self-interests, we will lose credibility.
One of the reasons Wikipedia has the credibility is has is that it is non-profit. The creator of it has launched a different for-profit company, but recognized that the integrity of Wikipedia as an information sources depends on its independence from commercial interests. People post good, accurate information to Wikipedia in a way they never would if there were financial gain associated with it. I think the same is true in the blogosphere.

dr x

I agree with Dr. Pisani. Moreover, I would also be hesitant to add someone to my blogroll under the conditions Chris describes. I always appreciate it when someone adds me to their blogroll, but I would never make that a condition for adding a site to my blogroll. The impersonal nature of the contact only makes the matter worse.


It would be one thing to receive a letter letting you know of their blog and asking you to take a look but the whole "we'll link to you if you link to us" thing is creepy.

Blogrolling, I find, comes to feel quite delicate politically. Who do you add and on what basis and what does it mean if you or you don't add someone operating within the same sphere? I find myself, for instance, wrestling with whether or not to list people I read but largely disagree with. Am I endorsing somebody's point of view by listing them or am I simply pointing my readership to something I consider interesting or relevant or written by someone in my field?

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I agree completely with your "creeping commercialism" observation. I always appreciate it when someone adds me to their blogroll, It is abrasive post for my mind. Keep writing and updating us.

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