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  • This blog provides a forum for discussion of therapeutic technique, including cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic technique. The focus of the blog is on psychotherapeutic technique and issues in the room rather than case or theoretical discussions. At the bottom of each post is a comments section. Feel free to make any comments you like. Please remember this blog is a public forum.

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  • Chris Allan is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Psychology Clinic at the University of Wollongong. He has a strong interest in both cognitive and psychodynamic therapies and an ongoing fascination in the interaction of technology and psychology. His interests are varied and include martial arts, playing guitar, cooking, chess, clothes, poetry and computer gaming. He is married with two children two dogs and a budgie.

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« The Ironies of Therapy | Main | Case Conceptualisation II »


Abby H

The 4P's case formulation model comes from:

Weerasekera, P. Multiperspective Case Formulation: A Step Towards Treatment Integration. Melbourne, Fla: Krieger Publishing, 1996.

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behaviours which again allow the client to cope with the core belief. Beck points out that the conceptualisation diagram needs to make logical

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What an excellent blog! behaviours which again allow the client to cope with the core belief. Beck points out that the conceptualisation diagram needs to make logical

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They subsequently changed ruined any new behaviours, since we are learning and changing daily, knowing that old habits and beliefs were established early on may be the first step in changing them now. A good question to ask is.GOod Luck


What remarkable post! It also asks the clinician to consider the strengths and supports the client brings to therapy. In my view something often missed by clinicians focussing just on the client’s problems. The identification of strengths and support can help you as a clinician tailor your CBT much more effectively.

Calvin Klein

thank you1

Channing Tatum

This theme has interested me! Thirdly case formulation explicitly and centrally informs intervention. Case formulation is a cornerstone of evidence-based CBT practice. For any particular case of CBT practice, formulation is the bridge between practice and theory and research. It is the crucible, where the individual particularities of a given case relevant theory and research synthesise into an understanding of the persons presenting issues in CBT.

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